[AJUDA]Client Branca

2 participantes

thepeu_ thepeu_  • 02.06.17 13:50

[AJUDA]Client Branca Empty [AJUDA]Client Branca 02.06.17 13:50

Olá amigos do Power Pixel, estou com um problema. Me ajudem?
O meu problema é o seguinte:

A client fica branca quando tento entrar no jogo. O flash ja está ligado, o emulador não deu nenhum erro, a DB é a que vem junto com o emulador e a SWF é a PlusEMU-SWF-23-2-2017. Alguem pode me ajudar ? Pack que uso: https://goo.gl/CeVCeh

Será que é fácil resolver este erro?
Veja minhas configurações, poderá ajudar!
Meu emulador é o
Plus Emulator <Build>
Minha CMS é a
Brain CMS 1.8.0
Meu hotel está no
IIS Php 7.1.1 e Mysql 5.5
Como sei que uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras, olhe o print:

Desde já obrigado. Aguardarei respostas!

Saigon Saigon  • 02.06.17 14:02

[AJUDA]Client Branca Empty Re: [AJUDA]Client Branca 02.06.17 14:02

Os diretórios da swf batem com a client?

thepeu_ thepeu_  • 02.06.17 14:11

[AJUDA]Client Branca Empty Re: [AJUDA]Client Branca 02.06.17 14:11

Acho que sim olha, ta tudo configurado na, de resto acho que swf é tudo igual ne ?

 die('Sorry but you cannot access this file!');
 /* Database Setting */
 $db['host'] = ''; //Mysql's Host
 $db['port'] = '3306'; //Mysql's port
 $db['user'] = "root"; //Mysql's user
 $db['pass'] = 'q1w2e3r4t5'; //Mysql's password
 $db['db'] = "teste1"; //Mysql's database
 /* Emu Settings */
 $config['hotelEmu'] = 'plusemu'; // plusemu // arcturus

 /* Client Setting */
 $hotel['emuHost'] = ""; //IP of VPS//IP of Proxy
 $hotel['emuPort'] = "30000";  //Port of VPS//Port of Proxy
 $hotel['staffCheckClient'] = false; //Enable the staff pin in the client (true) or disable it (false)
 $hotel['staffCheckClientMinimumRank'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the client
 $hotel['homeRoom'] = '0'; //Set the start room when you get in the hotel
 $hotel['external_Variables'] = "";
 $hotel['external_Variables_Override'] = "";
 $hotel['external_Texts'] = "";
 $hotel['external_Texts_Override'] = "";
 $hotel['productdata'] = "";
 $hotel['furnidata'] = "";
 $hotel['figuremap'] = "";
 $hotel['figuredata'] = "";
 $hotel['swfFolder'] = "";
 $hotel['swfFolderSwf'] = "";
 $hotel['onlineCounter'] = true; // Enable the user count in the client.
 $hotel['diamonds.enabled'] = true; // Enable diamonds in the hotel.
 /* Website Setting */
 $config['hotelUrl'] = "";//Address of your hotel. Does not end with a "/"
 $config['skin'] = "brain"; //Skin/template of your website
 $config['lang'] = "en"; //Language of your website en/nl/es
 $config['hotelName'] = "Brain"; //Name of your hotel
 $config['favicon'] = "";
 $config['staffCheckHk'] = false; //Enable the staff pin in the housekeeping (true) or disable it (false)
 $config['staffCheckHkMinimumRank'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the housekeeping
 $config['maintenance'] = false; //Enable the maintenance of your website (true) or disable it (false)
 $config['maintenancekMinimumRankLogin'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to login when the website is in maintenance
 $config['groupBadgeURL'] = "";
 $config['badgeURL'] = "";
 $config['userLikeEnable'] = true; // Enable user likes
 $config['newsCommandEnable'] = true; //Enable news commands
 $config['newsCommandFilter'] = true; //Enable wordfilter on news commands (the filter use the db tabels wordfilter and wordfilter_characters)
 $config['alertReferrer'] = true;
 $config['alert'] = 'BrainCMS Beta'; //Alert message. If you don't want a alert, you fill in 'nomessage' or you do leave it blank.
 $config['brainversion'] = '1.8.0'; // Please do not change.
 /* Facebook Login Settings
 You need a Facebook app for this to work go to
 https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ */
 $config['facebookLogin'] = false; //Enable the Facebook login (true) or disable it (false)
 $config['facebookAPPID'] = '334162590sdaf292528';
 $config['facebookAPPSecret'] = 'ce2504ff5adsfa3ff7a6a2fa6d984cd8836';
 /* Email Settings */
 $email['mailServerHost'] = 'smtp.gmail.com';
 $email['mailServerPort'] = 587;
 $email['SMTPSecure'] = 'TLS';
 $email['mailUsername'] = 'gmail@gmail.com';
 $email['mailPassword'] = '*****';
 $email['mailLogo'] = '';
 $email['mailTemplate'] = '/system/app/plugins/PHPmailer/temp/resetpassword.html';
 /* Social settings */
 $config['facebook'] = 'https://www.facebook.com/Habbo/';
 $config['facebookEnable'] = false;
 $config['twitter'] = 'https://twitter.com/Habbo';
 $config['twitterEnable'] = false;
 /* Register Setting */
 $config['startMotto'] = "Welkom in Brain!"; //Regsiter start motto
 $config['credits'] = "10000";
 $config['duckets'] = "20000";
 $config['diamonds'] = "10";
 $config['diamondsRef'] = "10";
 $config['registerEnable'] = true;
 /* Google recaptcha Site Key  
   Go to this website to create a recaptcha Site Key: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html */
   $config['recaptchaSiteKey'] = "6LdD2CMUAAAAAFyaCvO7dJPkDPCpsXal3ruVyQgf";
 $config['recaptchaSiteKeyEnable'] = false;
 /* Buy VIP Settings */
 $config['vipCost'] = "25";
 $config['vipRankToGet'] = "3";
 $config['vipBadge'] = "vip";
 case "arcturus":
 $emuUse['user_wardrobe']  = 'users_wardrobe ';
 $emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_current';
 $emuUse['respect'] = 'respects_received';
 $emuUse['user_stats'] = 'users_settings';
 $emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'user_id';
 $emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'online_time';
 case "plusemu":
 $emuUse['user_wardrobe']  = 'user_wardrobe ';
 $emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_last';
 $emuUse['respect'] = 'Respect';
 $emuUse['user_stats'] = 'user_stats';
 $emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'id';
 $emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'OnlineTime';

 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
 <title><?= $config['hotelName'] ?> - Game</title>
 <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/jquery-latest.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/flashclient.js"></script>
 <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/flash_detect_min.js"></script>
 <script src="/templates/brain/client/js/client.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/templates/brain/client/css/client.css?v=5" type="text/css">
 if($hotel['onlineCounter'] == true)
 <script type="text/javascript">
 $(document).ready(function(e) {
 setInterval(function() {
 }, 8000);
 $( "#onlinecount").click(function() {
 <div class="clientOnlineBox">
 <div class="clientOnlineBoxTxt" id="onlinecount"><small><b><?= Game::usersOnline() ?></b> <?= $config['hotelName'] ?>'s online</small></div>
 <img src="/templates/brain/client/images/onlineiconclient.png" style="width:29px;height:28px;ht; */position: absolute;margin-left: 130px;margin-top: -19px;">
 <div id="client-ui">
 <div class="client" id="client"></div>
 var Client = new SWFObject("<?= $hotel['swfFolderSwf'] ?>", "client", "100%", "100%", "10.0.0");
 Client.addVariable("client.allow.cross.domain", "0");
 Client.addVariable("client.notify.cross.domain", "1");
 Client.addVariable("connection.info.host", "<?= $hotel['emuHost'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("connection.info.port", "<?= $hotel['emuPort'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("site.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("url.prefix", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("client.reload.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me");
 Client.addVariable("client.fatal.error.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me");
 Client.addVariable("client.connection.failed.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me");
 Client.addVariable("external.override.texts.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Texts_Override'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("external.override.variables.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Variables_Override'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("external.variables.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Variables'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("external.texts.txt", "<?= $hotel['external_Texts'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("external.figurepartlist.txt", "<?= $hotel['figuredata'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("flash.dynamic.avatar.download.configuration", "<?= $hotel['figuremap'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("productdata.load.url", "<?= $hotel['productdata'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("furnidata.load.url", "<?= $hotel['furnidata'] ?>");
 Client.addVariable("use.sso.ticket", "1");
 Client.addVariable("sso.ticket", "<?= User::userData('auth_ticket') ?>");
 Client.addVariable("processlog.enabled", "0");
 Client.addVariable("client.starting", "<?= $config['hotelName'] ?> is loading...");
 Client.addVariable("flash.client.url", "<?= $hotel['swfFolder'] ?>/");
 Client.addVariable("flash.client.origin", "popup");
 Client.addVariable("ads.domain", "");
 Client.addVariable("diamonds.enabled", '<?= $hotel['diamonds.enabled'] ?>');
 Client.addParam('base', '<?= $hotel['swfFolder'] ?>/');
 Client.addParam('allowScriptAccess', 'always');
 Client.addParam('wmode', "opaque");
 FlashExternalInterface.signoutUrl = "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/logout";

Saigon Saigon  • 02.06.17 14:21

[AJUDA]Client Branca Empty Re: [AJUDA]Client Branca 02.06.17 14:21

Existem n fatores, o emulador veio junto com a dwf? Se não pode ser sua Habbo.swf ou os diretórios não estão iguais.

thepeu_ thepeu_  • 02.06.17 14:22

[AJUDA]Client Branca Empty Re: [AJUDA]Client Branca 02.06.17 14:22

Consegui resolver, era o diretório tava como habbo2.swf aí tirei o 2, Vlww ai brother.

Saigon Saigon  • 02.06.17 14:41

[AJUDA]Client Branca Empty Re: [AJUDA]Client Branca 02.06.17 14:41

Tópico fechado e movido.
Permissões neste sub-fórum
Não podes responder a tópicos

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